Using Strawberries As Groundcover
Since there is so much interest in edible landscaping, I thought I'd share how we grow strawberries: as groundcover. We planted a few of these spreading perennials on a sunny slope five or six years ago and they have taken it from there. If you're thinking of doing...
Insects On My…
Sometimes when we see insects on our plants the response should be...nothing. There is no hard and fast rule for when to treat, but it's helpful to know that we don't always have to step in with a remedy. Sometimes treatment isn't necessary, sometimes what we do...
How Can I Get More Color?
This is a question that many of my consulation customers ask. They are usually thinking about flowers, but when I'm in their yards and gardens I often point out what they are really missing. "Look at this planting," I frequently say. "What is bothering you isn't just...
Sunburn on Houseplants
At this time of year I'm sending my houseplants to summer camp. I'm also puttting those plants that I've wintered indoors outside again, and in both cases it's easy for these things to be sunburned. The main message in this post is this: Never assume that the place...
A Verse for the Cursed
It's time to publish my annual poem that celebrates dandelions. Oh Dandelion, I watch you grow And wonder why we hate you so Your cheerful yellow flowers sing In celebration, “See? It’s spring!” You’re very hardy there’s no doubt You grow in cold or wet or drought...
Softening Hard Edges
It's the season for planting containers, which can be one of the most creative things we can do in the garden. Deciding which plants will be used is so much fun; what colors of foliage and flowers will I choose this year? But beyond the enjoyment of planting is the...
Brown Rhododendron Leaves
It's in the spring, when many plants are breaking dormancy and putting on new growth more rapidly than we can imagine possible, that we finally see the damage that winter has done to our Rhododendron shrubs. Brown edges, spots on the leaves, toasted stems, curled...
The Case for Kale
Any regular reader of Wednesday's foodie posts already knows I'm a kale fan. Garden kale that is. I love Tuscan kale in particular and this week's weekend project is to get you growing this great plant. Yes, I'm calling it a plant, not a vegetable, because Tuscan kale...
Why Don’t My Daffodils Bloom Anymore?
I've spoken to several people who have that question. Most of them planted daffodils with the expectation that these bulbs would multiply and flower well for years. But instead of the "host of golden daffodils" recounted in Wordsworth's poem, they end up with a few...
Underperforming Plants…Bye!
There are times in every garden when it's time to say goodbye. When a plant is dead this isn't difficult, but many people have trouble saying farewell just because the plant isn't up to snuff. There are times, however, when it's time to be honest and admit that it's...