I Love Marble Queen Pothos
Name: In part of the world this plant is called Scindapsus aureus. In North America it’s either Epipremnum pinnatum or Epipremnum aureus. Most of us just call it pothos. Or golden pothos, taro vine or silver vine. No matter what you call it, this is an easy to grow...

I Love Hydrangea Pinky Winky
Name: Hydrangea paniculata ‘Dvppinky’ aka Pinky Winky Hydrangea Type of Plant: This is a very hardy shrub that flowers in mid-to-late summer and into fall. The large flowers are cone-shaped, a bit lacy and totally upright. A trouble free shrub that’s hardy in Zones...

I Love Verbascum Chaixii – aka nettle-leaved mullein
Name: Verbascum chaixii aka nettle-leaved mullein Type of Plant: A biennial that sometimes only lasts a year and other times might live three years, this plant self-seeds around the garden. The straight species has spires of yellow flowers, and the variety ‘Album’...

Change? You Can Grow That!
Anyone who has a garden comes, at the very least, to accept change. When we're fortunate, we come to value it. Over the past 8 years I've watched great growth and development here at Poison Ivy Acres as I've created new gardens and watched them fill in. Now I'm at the...

Different Strokes for Different Folks
Recently when I spoke at a garden club I listened to the flower show judge comment on the various arrangements that members had brought in. Her comments were about how the displays would be judged in a formal flower show, of course...we are all free to put flowers...

Better Connections Through Vegetable Gardening

I Hate Artemisia vulgaris!
I was talking to Bill, from the Cape Cod Alarm Company last week and he said that he’s been listening to my radio programs for years and has never heard me say I hate a plant! Is this because I love all plants? In fact, I love more plants than I dislike, but there...

Decorating in Mid-Winter
I'm a person who often leaves Christmas lights and holiday decor up as long as possible...sometimes too long. I remember the year when I finally went to take down my wreath in the spring and birds had nested in it. Since I couldn't disrupt the nesting wrens, the...