Some of those who follow this blog regularly have commented that I only posted once last week. A first, for Coffee for Roses I think! All I can say is that it’s June, in all its abundance. Sometimes life is so full that our cups not only overfloweth, but tipeth over. In June such profusion is often more beautiful than it is overwhelming, however, and we rejoice in the planting, flowering, and intense greenery all around us.
I have several photos of the past few days to share. Two are of the beauty of this month, two are of the pests of the hour, and one is a teaser of great things to come. To find out what my husband was helping me to create in the photo pictured below, come to my open garden during the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival in July! Buy advance tour tickets here, not only to see my garden but other very, very special landscapes in the mid-Cape area.
The trial garden comes alive as perennials bloom and I begin to plant the annuals that are new to me this season. Here the lady’s mantle, Penstemon (purple in the background) and flamboyant Oriental poppies rule the morning. Next week: Roses!
Today I realized that the four lined plant bugs were having a field day on my Russian sage! I squashed as many as I could with my fingers, and then sprayed with spinosad…which I don’t think is labeled for this insect but I was grasping at straws. Once the spinosad was dry I dusted with diatomaecous earth, which made me feel like I’d done everything organically possible anyway. BTW, the red guy at the top is the insect in its nymph stage. Grrrrr…
On to the next pest du jour. This group of gypsy moth caterpillars was gathered on one of my trees, talking, perhaps, about what they should devour next. We’ll never know what they decided to chomp on because after I took this photo I kicked up and squashed them all with my shoe. I do like the pattern they make in this photo – thanks for the memories and the great picture, guys! Sorry you had to go…
Now on to more pleasant June sights. Foxglove. Love them.
What is Dan doing with the chainsaw and these logs? We created something magical…come to my open garden on July 10th, 13th or 17th and see what we’ve built and grown!