Let’s Collect Some Impatiens Data!

Calling all Cape Cod Gardeners! (And gardeners in other areas for that matter.) We all know what happened two and three years ago to regular Impatiens. What we DON’T know is if it’s safe to plant them again. Is downy mildew still around? Did it survive our hard winter? Let’s all be “citizen scientists” and collect some data this summer, OK?

Here’s what I propose: If you experienced the defoliating look of Impatiens Downy Mildew in the past, plant one six pack in or very near where those Impatiens were before. Also plant one six-pack elsewhere on your property. If you want to be really bold, plant another pack in a container or window box in a third location. This is not a huge investment of money or time, right? Three six-packs, maximum.

Don’t treat any of those plants or areas where you’re planting with any fungicide: plant as you would have in the days before Impatiens Downy Mildew. Take photos as the summer goes on, and report your findings by email to me here at Coffee For Roses.

As you’re watching your experimental impatiens planting (remember, not huge beds, just three six-packs!) make note of the weather. IDM shows up in cool, damp conditions so we’re all especially interested if you have such weather early summer or in the fall, and how the plants respond.

If you’re a garden blogger, post the photos on your blog and send me the URL.

Do you miss being able to plant Impatiens in your shady garden? Let's put a few plants in the ground this summer and see what happens.

Do you miss being able to plant Impatiens in your shady garden? Let’s put a few plants in the ground this summer and see what happens.

Are you in?

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