Name: Calibrachoa Lemon Slice

Type of Plant: Annual for sunny places.

Why I love this: Bright, fresh yellow and white flowers all summer and fall. I planted this variety of Superbells in my front garden where it’s very sunny and hot and it flowered all summer without stopping. Calibrachoas also do well in the cool temperatures of fall, and mine bloomed until hard frost in October. This annual from Proven Winners grows about 6 to 8 inches tall. In my garden each plant got to be about 18 inches wide – I suspect that in a container with new soil and regular fertilization it would grow even wider.

A Word to the Wise: Some Calibrachoas tolerate heat more than others. When these annuals (AKA Million Bells and Superbells) first hit the streets of North America many of them took a break in flowering when it got hot. Newer varieties have been bred for more heat tolerance, however. Be sure to check with experienced gardeners in your area to find which Calibrachoa do best in your climate. For me, Lemon Slice performed well in our cool spring, 90+ July and August sun and went on to flower into the fall.

Here is how three Lemon Slice plants looked in my garden in September. They are planted in front of Profusion Deep Apricot zinnias and in between two perennial  Calamintha nepetoides.

Here is how three Lemon Slice plants looked in my garden in September. They are planted in front of Profusion Deep Apricot zinnias and in between two perennial Calamintha nepetoides.


Bright yellow and crisp white flowers all summer long. No deadheading required with Lemon Slice Superbells.

Bright yellow and crisp white flowers all summer long. No deadheading required with Lemon Slice Superbells.

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