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How To Prune Blueberries

How To Prune Blueberries

Normally I prune Blueberries before they start to break dormancy. In the Northeast, this is usually in late March. This year, of course, there was over two feet of snow on the ground at that time so I only got out to prune my blueberries today, in mid-April. As...

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‘Phenomenal’ and ‘Hidcote’ Lavender Compared

‘Phenomenal’ and ‘Hidcote’ Lavender Compared

Last year I planted several lavender plants, including three of the new variety, 'Phenomenal.' As I was cleaning in the fragrance garden last weekend I noticed the profound difference between the 'Phenomenal' plants and the others. See for yourself in this photo I...

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Conditions Required for Germination

Conditions Required for Germination

I was finally able to get some seeds started today. Since the snow lasted so long it's a late spring, but when we garden we learn to take things as they come, right? So today was my day to get some soil and seeds in small pot. This year I'm trying a new soil for seed...

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Garden Design Ideas: Something Tall

Garden Design Ideas: Something Tall

There are times in a landscape when we need something tall and thin. Maybe we have a tight corner or section of wall that needs to be softened. Perhaps everything in the garden is low, and what's missing is a higher focal point to tie the earth to the sky. Many people...

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I Love Coral Drift Roses

I Love Coral Drift Roses

Name: Rosa ‘Meijocos’ aka Coral Drift rose Type of Plant: This is a low-growing shrub rose that repeat flowers reliably and is very disease resistant. It is hardy in zones 4-10 and grows best in full sun. Why I love this: When I get a new plant to test I’ll place it...

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Plant A Salad Bowl

Plant A Salad Bowl

A Salad Bowl? You Can Grow That! This is a fun spring plant project for kids and adults. Salad bowls make a good gift or porch decoration when it's too cool for most annuals but you just need an expression of spring and growth. Here's what you need: A low, bowl-shaped...

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Flower Size and Shape

Flower Size and Shape

Here's a tip for designing the best flower gardens: don't forget to consider a blossom's size and shape. Most people focus on color first, and although this is important, it's equally valuable to put remember to include differing sizes and shapes of flowers. To show...

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Diversity in the Garden

Diversity in the Garden

I was speaking at a garden club meeting recently where the member who gave a conservation or horticulture report reported about the need to plant for pollinators. All gardeners value the critters who pollinate plants and we've all heard about how bees, butterflies,...

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Forcing Branches For Spring Celebrations

Forcing Branches For Spring Celebrations

Finally the snow has melted enough that I was able to walk down through the yard to cut pussy willows and wild blueberry branches. Until today the drifts were thigh level and way over my boot tops. One of my favorite ways to celebrate the end of winter and the...

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