I have a bench in one of my gardens that we never sit on. This year it occured to me that this space would be better used for displaying container plants than for unused seating, so I grouped some succulents there. A far better use of this flat surface!
There are many such areas that can be used for displaying plants. Besides benches, you can use wide railings, tops of stone walls, tables, edges of decks and driveways, and unused porch steps. Once you’ve spotted a likely space, gather a group of plants and alternate colors and textures of both foliage and pots. Like any garden display, in the ground or in containers, put plants with differing textures and colors of foliage next to each other.
Consider the needs of the plant first, of course. Group sun-loving plants together in bright areas and shade-lovers in dappled light.

This display separates the colored pots and the varieties of foliage so that contrasting containers and plants are next to each other. The red-flowering Home Run Roses in the background don’t hurt either…