There are many wonderful perennials to grow if you want to bring cut flowers indoors. Here are just a few that I grow and love.

Peonies are one of the earliest perennials that are must-have plants for the cutting garden.

Peonies are one of the earliest perennials that are must-have plants for the cutting garden.

Lady's mantle, (Alchemilla mollis) comes into flower at the same time as the peonies. This photo shows it just opening. The lime-green flowers are perfect in a vase with pink and white peony blooms.

Lady’s mantle, (Alchemilla mollis) comes into flower at the same time as the peonies. This photo shows it just opening. The lime-green flowers are perfect in a vase with pink and white peony blooms.

These two perennials flower later in the summer and combine well in the garden as they do in arrangements. Echinacea 'Hot Papaya' is growing in front of the lavender Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)

These two perennials flower later in the summer and combine well in the garden as they do in arrangements. Echinacea ‘Hot Papaya’ is growing in front of the lavender Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)

Two daisy types that are nice for a perennial cutting garden are 'White Swan' Echinacea and Shasta daisies (Leucanthemum superbum).

Two daisy types that are nice for a perennial cutting garden are ‘White Swan’ Echinacea and Shasta daisies (Leucanthemum superbum).

Although technically a biennial, this plant self-seeds so prolifically that you always have it. Note: best suited to those spaces on a property that are between wild and tame areas. Not recommended for small gardens because it self-seeds so prolifically.

Although technically a biennial, this plant self-seeds so prolifically that you always have it. Note: best suited to those spaces on a property that are between wild and tame areas. Not recommended for small gardens because it self-seeds so prolifically.

Phlox 'Jeana' flowers for a long time, is tolerant of part shade, and attracts butterflies. And there's more: it's highly mildew resistant as well.

Phlox ‘Jeana’ flowers for a long time, is tolerant of part shade, and attracts butterflies. And there’s more: it’s highly mildew resistant as well.

Of course you’ll want annuals for cutting too, but these perennials provide reliable cut flowers whether they are placed in your perennial borders or a bed devoted just to cutting flowers.





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