May 16, 2015 | Love This!
Name: Ageratum ‘Blue Horizon’ Type of Plant: An annual that is good for mixing in any sunny flower garden. ‘Blue Horizon’ grows between 20” to 30” tall and flowers all summer. Why I Love This: I love ‘Blue Horizon’ because it combines so beautifully with other plants,...
Apr 25, 2015 | Love This!
Name: Hemerocallis ‘Endless Heart’ aka the Earlybird Cardinal daylily Type of Plant: We love daylilies because they are so reliable and fairly easy. This one is low growing with flowers that get 20 to 22” high. Hardy in Zones 4-9, this daylily flowers in mid-June in...
Apr 18, 2015 | Love This!
Name: Spiraea japonica ‘Walbuma’ aka Magic Carpet Spirea Type of Plant: A colorful, low growing shrub that is tough, tough, tough. Hardy in zones 4-9, and growing best in full sun to part-sun. Why I love this: Truthfully, I almost can’t do a consultation...
Apr 11, 2015 | Love This!
Name: Salix integra ‘Hakuro-nishiki’ aka dappled willow Type of Plant: This willow can be purchased in shrub or grafted tree form, and my favorite is the small trees. Hardy in zones 4-9, and growing best in sun to part-sun. Why I love this: Since they are...
Mar 28, 2015 | Love This!
Name: Sansevieria trifasciata aka snake plant. Type of Plant: A you-probably-can’t-kill-it houseplant that is sculptural, upright and tolerant of a wide variety of locations and conditions. Why I love this: Sansevieria, commonly called snake plant, is a striking house...