A Bouquet for October 1st

A Bouquet for October 1st

#abouqueteveryday  ~ Collecting a small bunch of flowers from your landscape is a way to savor the season and appreciate what’s around you right this minute.
A Bouquet Every Day (Edible)

A Bouquet Every Day (Edible)

Since Wednesday is for Foodies at Coffee for Roses I’m putting up an edible bouquet for my #abouqueteveryday post. Add oil and vinegar and a piece of bread and you’ve got a salad.
A Bouquet Every Day – 3

A Bouquet Every Day – 3

As part of my desire to focus on the beauty that’s in my garden in every season, I’m making a small bouquet every day for as long as I can. Try it yourself, and post photos #abouqueteveryday  
A Bouquet Every Day

A Bouquet Every Day

Summer is over. Every day it seems like the evening darkness comes as swiftly as those cartoon nights where a curtain falls and instantly turns day to night. The temperatures are dropping as well and whether we like it or not, we’re reminded that winter is on...
I Love Scaevola Whirlwind White Improved

I Love Scaevola Whirlwind White Improved

Name:  Scaevola Whirlwind White Improved – a Proven Winners plant. Type of Plant: This is an annual in most of the US, and you can believe the name…it really is improved. Scaevola is a wonderful plant for summer-long color that mixes well with other annuals in...
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