

It’s interesting how some plants are everywhere and others are hard to find in garden centers. The sad truth is that some very worthy plants just don’t make it into the market place. Our native Euonymus americanus, also called Hearts-a-Bustin, is just such...
Reason to Plant Annuals #457

Reason to Plant Annuals #457

No, you haven’t missed the previous 456 posts about planting annuals. The title is a bit whimsical but not untrue…I could undoubtedly make a listing of reasons to plant annuals that would have at least 500 items on it. In additition to listing individual...
Fall Window Box Tweaking

Fall Window Box Tweaking

Most of the time pots and window boxes don’t need to be completely replanted for the fall…they only need tweaking. Each year is different, and the plants that thrived one summer might not have done as well the following season. And when you’re...
Powdery Mildew on Squash

Powdery Mildew on Squash

I am tempted to call this post “Dancing With Imperfection.” That’s what gardeners do, after all. One of the most frequent questions I get, on the Garden Compass App and in other venues, goes something like this: “What’s wrong with my...
Getting Weeds Out of Patio Cracks

Getting Weeds Out of Patio Cracks

I recently posted a photo of my weeded patio on Facebook, and mentioned that I’d just spent a few hours working to clear it. This prompted many comments about how I should use this weed killer or that herbicide. Although all of the suggestions were organic...
Visual Problems? Plant Something!

Visual Problems? Plant Something!

In the spring we had a load of firewood delivered. We were expecting limbs of an oak tree that were between six and eighteen inches in diameter, and my husband was willing to cut, split and stack these for burning this winter. We weren’t home when the load was...
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