Nov 21, 2014 | Crafts
Pony and horse holiday door decorations have been all over Facebook and Pinterest lately, so it wasn’t surprising to me that a customer came into the garden center with this image on her phone. “Can you make one of these for me?” she asked. “I...
Sep 26, 2014 | Crafts
Want a weekend project that celebrates the fall season? Pile up the pumpkins! There are so many great shapes, colors and sizes of pumpkins and squash available in the fall that it’s easy to make great seasonal decor. Pick out three or more pumpkins of graduated...
Aug 22, 2014 | Crafts
Thrift store or tag sale finds and gardens come nicely together in the summertime. Those cheerful dishes and flower pots that were so appealing in sales can be used to supply some instant happy color in a garden. Many have assorted odd dishes already in cupboards or...
Jul 18, 2014 | Crafts
As the lavender flowers in the garden just start to fade it’s time to make lavender wands! Your plants need to be deadheaded anyway so that they may produce some new flowers later in the fall, weather permitting. Yet the flowers are still fragrant and weaving...
Jul 11, 2014 | Crafts
There are times when you just have to go up. Very small spaces next to an entry, for example, or in between the garage doors demand a vertical plant or planter, but there may not be the perfect shrub or perennial for the job. All you need to create such a planter is a...
Jul 4, 2014 | Crafts
The Weekend Project is about creating a lighthouse out of a florist bucket and a chicken feeder. Use this as a garden ornament, centerpiece, patio art or…use your imagination! Having a sea-side wedding? Put this lighthouse on the bar, or line several up on a...
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