- I will only purchase the seeds that I absolutely need. (Fortunately, seed catalogs arrive or are available online in early December, so I’ve already placed several orders before this resolution will take effect.)
- I won’t stop at the garden center “just to see what’s there.” (No worries about sticking to this one since I pretty much always need some more potting soil, fertilizer, or a few more annuals. These “must haves” will justify browsing the plants on a regular basis, right?)
- The perennial bed will be mulched before the end of May. (Maybe I should start this project next week before it snows…or, wait a minute, that has me thinking. Does the snow count as mulch?)
- I will clean all my tools promptly after each use. (Hold on…before moving ahead with this one too quickly, is it possible that all those layers of dirt are actually protecting the shovels at this point? Perhaps exposing the metal will, in fact, cause them to disintegrate. Something to seriously consider before taking rash actions.)
- All plant purchases will be placed into the ground or a container before more plants are purchased. (Yeah, right. We know this one is a non-starter.)
- I will joyfully plant and cultivate with abandon, respecting nature and with an attitude of awe and appreciation. (This one’s a sure thing…maybe I should have put this in for #1 through 5.)
Wishing everyone a year of beauty, successful cultivations, and wonder.