Sometimes it’s fun to offer our plants a chair. Have a seat! In the garden, on the porch, hanging from the lamp post or in any other location, a planted chair is whimsical and fun to create. Use a chair that would otherwise get junked because it’s weak, broken or otherwise not salvageable seating. If you need to line it to hold soil, staple on landscape fabric, or adapt a Smart Pot for the purpose.Smart Pots 5-Gallon Smart Pot Soft-Sided Container, Black Here are a couple of chairs for inspiration:
A planted chair makes a great garden ornament that “stops the eye” in front of a visual problem. Have a bare space in the garden? A blank wall? A group of utilities that are less-than-attractive? Plant up a chair and place it in front of those eyesores. The chair doesn’t hide what’s behind it, but distracts the viewer so they don’t notice what’s in back of the seating.