I love growing red noodle beans (Vigna unguiculata) because they are so prolific and tasty. I throw them in stirfry, pasta, omlets and salads. But why did it take me so long to put the idea of cold sesame noodles and noodle beans together? It was simple – I made a typical sauce that normally would get put on pasta, but tossed it on cooked noodle beans instead. Here is a typical recipe for this yummy sauce from the New York Times. Simply boil the noodle beans for about 4 or 5 minutes until they are cooked but not mushy, drain and rinse with cold water, and toss with the sauce. I added red pepper and cucumber pieces from the garden for additional fresh crunch.

I think this is best served at room temperature.

I think this is best served at room temperature.

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I think this is best served at room temperature.
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