An Uninhibited Guide to the Aphrodisiac Herbs, Fruits, Flowers & Veggies in Your Garden
What a fun book! Did you know that cardamom was mentioned as an aphrodisiac in The Arabian Nights? Or that Cleopatra anointed herself with lavender before getting it on with Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony? And walnuts? Well, I’ll let you find out about this “super food” for yourself. Author Helen Yoest clearly had a great time writing this book and you’ll have fun reading it. I can also see that this would make a great gift for the newly engaged or married, not to mention all garden geeks and foodies.
Plants With Benefits is filled with history, horticulture, recipes and assorted fun facts. It’s not only a great gift book, it’s a good one for dipping into while you’re drinking morning coffee. Read this enjoyable book, compile a shopping list of dinner ingredients and make plans for the evening…

Published by St. Lynn’s Press