Fennel bulbs are a refreshing, underused vegetable that are easy to grow and widely available in supermarkets. If you’re looking to shake up “the same old same old” vegetable side dish, get a fennel bulb! This is an easy and fast combination of vegetables that is not only enhanced by the slightly-sweet flavor of the fennel, but the peppers as well. I’ve used spring chives but you can also substitute scallions should you not have fresh chives in the garden. Amounts are flexible and you can use as much red and black pepper as you’d like.

Here’s what you need: Red peppers, a fennel bulb, zucchini squash, chives, red pepper flakes, olive oil, black pepper, oregano and salt to taste. A sprinkling of Parmesan cheese can be used for a finishing garnish if desired.

Slice the veggies into “sticks” all about the same length and thickness. Put a little olive oil into the pan, add the red pepper flakes and heat. Add the veggie sticks and toss them over medium heat. When they are close to being done (how you prefer them – some like crispy veggies and some want their veggies soft. There is no right way here.) add the oregano and black pepper.

Put these into a bowl. With the addition of a bit more olive oil and Parmesan cheese, this would be a great combination with the pasta of your choice. We ate these veggies as a side dish with grilled chicken sausage.