Name: Solanum lycopersicum ‘Sun Gold’ aka the Sun Gold tomato
Type of Plant: One of the sweetest, tastiest tomatoes you can grow. It’s a cherry tomato that’s orange not red, and the plants bear long clusters of fruit over a very long season.
Why I Love This: These tomato plants get large and are pretty disease resistant. And the Sun Gold tomato is one of the sweetest, most fruity tomato you can grow. Once you taste Sun Gold, you’ll have to have at least one plant every summer.
A Word to the Wise: The reason you don’t see Sun Gold tomatoes in the store is that they are prone to splitting when shipped. So these are a home-grown treat. They will split after a heavy rain, so if rain is predicted be sure to go out and pick all the ripe ones. However, once they split they are still edible if you pick them right away.