Name: Hemerocallis ‘Endless Heart’ aka the Earlybird Cardinal daylily
Type of Plant: We love daylilies because they are so reliable and fairly easy. This one is low growing with flowers that get 20 to 22” high. Hardy in Zones 4-9, this daylily flowers in mid-June in the Northeast and Upper Midwest, earlier in warmer, Southern regions.
Why I Love This: The tag and name might indicate that this flower is red, but it’s really a coral color with a yellow throat. It’s a winner when planted in a location where the early morning or evening sun can illuminate the color. A great alternative to the ubiquitous Stella D’oro daylily.
A Word to the Wise: Like the other early flowering daylilies, these will put out a few new flowers later in the summer if you promptly cut off the stems left from the first bloom period. Do not believe tags claiming that these early flowering daylilies “bloom all summer” however. But hyperbole aside, this is a good plant that adds great color to the June flower bed or foundation planting.
Random Thoughts: I don’t know about you, but I far prefer the name ‘Endless Heart’ to Earlybird Cardinal. If the choice is between limitless love, compassion and spirit or an overachiever red bird, I’m taking the boundless heart every time.

‘Endless Hear’ works so well with other flowering plants – the yellow throat picks up other yellow flowers, while the coral color adds spice to what would otherwise be a boringly pastel June flower garden.