Name: Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ aka Japanese forest grass or yellow hakon grass
Type of Plant: A low-growing perennial grass for part-shade. Hardy in zones 4-9
Why I Love This: I love low-growing grass because it forms thick clumps that out-compete the weeds. It’s a graceful plant that adds texture, color and movement to a garden, and it thrives when it is planted in a spot that gets at least 3 hours of dead-on sun.
A Word to the Wise: There are several other varieties including the straight species that is solid green to a white variegated and solid yellow variety. But many gardeners think that ‘Aureola’ is the cream of the crop and I have to say that I agree. The solid green variety grows fairly quickly and could quickly overwhelm small gardens. But it is probably the most shade tolerant type, so if you’re looking for a grass where there is very little sun, go for the green hakon grass.