Name: Pericallis × hybrid aka florist’s Cineraria
Type of Plant: A cool weather, lift-your-heart plant that’s a short-term houseplant or annual for most of the country (can be perennial in zones 9 to 11)
Why I love this: These brilliantly colored daisy flowers are the perfect March pick-me-up plants. They are sold in garden center greenhouses and some supermarkets at this time of year and it’s one of those plants that you can get for an instant fix of spring.
A Word to the Wise: Don’t expect these plants to last very long…these should be viewed as potted cut flowers. That said, you’ll get the longest life from them if you don’t ever let them wilt or stand in water. In other words, constantly moist but not sopping wet. Place them in a bright place that’s cool for the longest flowering time. Know that once the flower fades you’ll want to toss the plants in the compost as they are prone to a variety of insects and fungal problems that just aren’t worth fighting.