Name: Ageratum ‘Blue Horizon’

Type of Plant: An annual that is good for mixing in any sunny flower garden. ‘Blue Horizon’ grows between 20” to 30” tall and flowers all summer.

Why I Love This: I love ‘Blue Horizon’ because it combines so beautifully with other plants, is a great cutting flower and has lovely, fuzzy, lavender-blue flowers. It’s a great plant for placing in between perennials for “bridge color” all summer and into the fall.

A Word to the Wise: Cut off the first flowers that start to form. Don’t even let them open up at all. Yes! Do it! By snipping off those first blooms you cause the plant to bush out and make more flowers. I usually deadhead my plants once in July, but after that they cook along well without any attention and even go through a few light frosts.

Random Thoughts: Buy this in six packs or start it yourself from seed – it’s an easy annual to grow.

Blue Horizon is perfect in cutting gardens or in flower beds.

Blue Horizon is perfect in cutting gardens or in flower beds.


Here you can see how lovely Blue Horizon is with Sedona coleus and Milk Shake Echinacea

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