I Love the Moonflower Vine

I Love the Moonflower Vine

Name:  Ipomoea alba – aka moonflower Type of Plant: In colder zones this is an annual vine, but one that can grow ten feet or taller in one summer. The heart shaped leaves are lovely in the early summer, and in late summer the large, round, slightly fragrant flowers...
Creative Seating

Creative Seating

I was looking through my photos yesterday and came across this, taken outside The Green Corner Store in Little Rock, AK. It occured to me that this is a great inspiration for a garden or patio bench! Recycle old porch seating, that top of a vintage office chair, the...
I Love Phlox ‘Jeana’

I Love Phlox ‘Jeana’

Name:  Phlox paniculata ‘Jeana’ aka Jeana garden phlox. Type of Plant: A tall perennial phlox known for a LONG flowering period and wonderful (dare I say spectacular?) mildew resistance. Why I Love This: I love this perennial not only because it flowers for two months...
I Love Fur Balls

I Love Fur Balls

Name:  Gomphocarpus physocarpus aka fur balls, hairy balls or balloon plant….not to be confused with balloon flower which is a whole other plant. Type of Plant: This pretty plant is a tall annual in the northeast and as a member of the dogbane family (Apocynaceae)...
I Love Red Noodle Bean

I Love Red Noodle Bean

Name:  Vigna unguiculata –  aka yard long bean or red noodle bean. Type of Plant: This is a legume similar to a green bean although it is actually a related to the cowpea. It is known as the yardlong bean, bora, bodi, long-podded cowpea, asparagus bean, pea...
I Love Pokeweed. That’s Right…I Said Pokeweed

I Love Pokeweed. That’s Right…I Said Pokeweed

Name:  Phytolacca Americana – AKA pokeweed Type of Plant: I think this might be the first weed I’ve featured as a plant that I love. Pokeweed is a North American native plant, a large growing perennial with poisonous berries and roots. It’s hard to get rid of...
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