Last week I went into the garden during cocktail hour and celebrated. It was the first week I was able to walk into the vegetable garden asking “What’s for dinner?” and come away with more than enough for one meal. The arugula, broccoli, sugar snap peas and herbs were abundant. Other garden writers have remarked on how wonderful it is in the summer when gardening time overlaps with the cocktail hour, and the pleasures of harvesting, cutting flowers and weeding are commemorated with a beverage.
Today I have two reasons to celebrate, both culinary and professional. The garden has produced the fixings for this Wednesday is for Foodies post, and that tasty dish has been photographed, consumed and declared delicious. Secondly, my interview about my new book, heard on NPR’s Weekend Edition, aired and I am so grateful to all who made that happen. Know that when my glass is raised in the garden tonight, it will be to all of you.