Name:  Maxibel Green Beans

Type of Plant:  French/Filet green bush bean. Plants grow 22 to 24 inches high. Grow in good vegetable garden soil in full sun. Plant when the soil is warm. (Usually when nighttime temperatures are reliably above 50 degrees F.)

Why I love this: I like my green beans thin and flavorful, and I’ve found both in this bean. The beans average between 5 and 7 inches long and they are tender and tasty.

A Word to the Wise:  When harvested regularly, this variety will continue to produce well into the fall! Pick beans every two to three days to keep the plants most productive.

I plant the seeds about four to six inches apart and my rows about two feet apart, mulching in between. This gives me space to sit in between rows when I pick.

I plant the seeds about four to six inches apart and my rows about two feet apart, mulching in between. This gives me space to sit in between rows when I pick.

These beans are perfect for pickles such as "dilly beans." But my favorite is to lightly steam them and use them with any other garden produce in an entree size salad. Here I served them in a large salad with tomatoes and feta cheese.

These beans are perfect for pickles such as “dilly beans.” But my favorite is to lightly steam them and use them with any other garden produce in an entree size salad. Here I served them in a large salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh basil and feta cheese.


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