If you’ve got flowers and herbs in your garden, you easily make someone’s day better. Snip a few blooms and fragrant foliage, tie them together with a small piece of ribbon, and you’ve got the makings of a random act of kindness! Put one on the desk of a co-worker. Drop one in the drawer when you go to the drive-up window at the bank. Leave one at the grocery store, dry cleaners, or when you drop off the kids at daycare. Hand something colorful and fragrant to someone at the bus stop, or tuck one under the windshield wiper of the car that’s parked next to you in the lot. (You can also use florist water tubes to keep the flowers fresh)

This bouquet, fragrant with lemon verbena, went into the bank along with the checks I cashed this morning.

Share the wealth! Oregano ‘Kent Beauty’ lasts for so long when it’s cut. It’s a natural for nosegays!

This bouquet has lemon verbena in it, along with sweet smelling roses. Especially nice for someone who works indoors.

Mint is a great herb to use in a give-away nosegay.