Full disclosure? This book cost me several hours of sleep. I dove into the review copy I was sent one evening and had a hard time putting it down. Two nights in a row. This is a delicious romp of a novel, and perfect for those who like smart writing, a tale well told, and an inquiring mind willing to think “What if….”

Girl Waits with Gun is based on real women and a real incident that took place in 1915. A man named Henry Kaufman ran his car into a horse-drawn carriage driven by three sisters, Constance, Norma and Fleurette Kopp. Anyone whose been in an accident or incident that turned contentious will relate to what happened from there. Things get ugly. And interesting.

Not only does the plot of this historical novel get more intriguing, but the way the author weaves events into the textures of the times is masterfully done. The entire book is made richer because some of it is fact and some is fiction and by the time I was a quarter into this frolicking story I didn’t care which was which. And it was fun…this book is so much fun!

History often narrows women down to flat, cardboard characters or ignores them all together. Amy Stewart’s novel honors these three real-life sisters by making them into three dimensional, interesting people who were willing to defy the conventions of the day and who lived remarkable lives because they were fully being themselves. I did mention that this story is fun, right? But beyond that, satisfying.

Know a woman who loves to read? Get your holiday shopping done early. Preorder this for everyone on your list and all that will remain is the wrapping. You’ll want one for yourself, however, so that when you find yourself talking to your sister or girlfriend about this book (and you will) you can say, “I’ll give you my copy when I’m done with it.”

By Amy Stewart. I loved this book!

By Amy Stewart. I loved this book!

Those of you who are fellow garden geeks will recognize the author of this book and know that she’s not only an accomplished writer, but skilled researcher as well. Amy has an eye for a good story and the ability to weave together (or shall we say cultivate?) all the human details that make a tale speak to our heads and hearts.

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